Lisa Linck-Paulus

Dr. rer. nat. Lisa Linck-Paulus

Institut für Biochemie
Lehrstuhl für Biochemie und Molekulare Medizin (Prof. Dr. Bosserhoff)

Raum: Raum 03.023
Fahrstr. 17
91054 Erlangen

Research Interest: „RNA Degradation in Cancer”

• Post-transcriptional gene regulation by microRNAs in development and tumorigenicity of malignant melanoma and how the dysregulation of the microRNA effector protein Argonaute 2 influences melanoma cells

• The role of nonsense mediated mRNA decay by the exon junction complex component MAGOH and further accessory factors for melanoma cell growth

• The impact of RNA degradation mediated by the RNase/Deubiquitinase MCPIP1, which is known from inflammatory processes, on melanoma tumor cell growth

Grafik Research Interest Lisa Linck-Paulus


Scientific Career

Since 2020 Postdoc at the Institute of Biochemistry, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg

2015-2019 PhD thesis (Dr. rer. nat.) in Molecular Medicine in the group of Prof. Anja Bosserhoff, Chair for Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg about the „Analysis of Argonaute 2 regulation in malignant melanoma and characterization of a new Argonaute 2 splice variant“

2009-2014 B.Sc. and M.Sc. Biochemistry at the Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg


Grants and Awards

ELAN research funding of the Interdisciplinary Center for Clinical Research (IZKF) Erlangen for a project on “The role of MAGOH in malignant melanoma”

Qualification in a global multi-step selection process for participation in the 71st Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting on Chemistry 2022 funded by the “Wilhelm-Sander-Stiftung”


Selected Publications

Soederberg A., Meißgeier T., Bosserhoff A.K.*, Linck-Paulus L.*; MAGOH and MAGOHB Knockdown in Melanoma Cells Decreases Nonsense-Mediated Decay Activity and Promotes Apoptosis via Upregulation of GADD45A; Cells 2022, 11(23), 3859

Linck-Paulus L., Meißgeier T., Pieger K., Horn A.H.C., Matthies A., Fischer S., Meister G., Sticht H., Kappelmann-Fenzl M., Bosserhoff A.K.; A previously unknown Argonaute 2 variant positively modulates the viability of melanoma cells; Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 2022, 79(9), 475

Linck-Paulus L.*, Lämmerhirt L.*, Völler D., Meyer K., Engelmann J.C., Spang R., Eichner N., Meister  G., Kuphal S., Bosserhoff A.K.; Learning from Embryogenesis – A Comparative Expression Analysis in Melanoblast Differentiation and Tumorigenesis Reveals miRNAs Driving Melanoma Development; J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10(11), 2259

Linck-Paulus L., Hellerbrand C., Bosserhoff A.K., Dietrich P. Dissimilar Appearances Are Deceptive – Common microRNAs and Therapeutic Strategies in Liver Cancer and Melanoma; Cells 2020, 9(1), 114

Linck L.*, Liebig J.*, Völler D.*, Eichner N., Lehmann G., Meister G., Bosserhoff A.K.; MicroRNA-sequencing data analyzing melanoma development and progression; Exp. Mol. Pathol. 2018, 105, 371–379

Völler D.*, Linck L.*, Bruckmann A., Hauptmann J., Deutzmann R., Meister G., Bosserhoff A.K.; Argonaute family protein expression in normal tissue and cancer entities; PLoS One 2016, 11, 1–14