Jana Heppt

Jana Heppt


Research Interest

Temporal control of neuronal maturation in adult hippocampal neurogenesis

Precise regulation of maturation and functional integration of newborn neurons is essential for adult hippocampal neurogenesis-dependent memory formation. ß-catenin/ Wnt-signaling is one promising candidate for molecular regulation of this key developmental step. In my research I aim to analyze the expression on ß-catenin/ Wnt-signaling throughout the process of adult neurogenesis and, in detail, its functional role in maturation of adult-born neurons.

Jana_Bild website
Dentate gyrus of BATGAL reporter mouse depicting Wnt-signaling activity




2015 – present PhD student, Institute of Biochemistry, FAU Erlangen
2015 Molecular Medicine, M.Sc., FAU Erlangen


Awarded Grants and Fellowships

2014 A*STAR Singapore International Pre-Graduate Award, Adam Claridge-Chang lab, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Duke-NUS Medical School
2013  DAAD Taiwan Summer Institute Programme, Shang-Hsun Yang lab, National Cheng Kung University Tainan, Taiwan